Reviewers' activity acknowledged by:
Reviewer Recognition Service. Forward your thank you e-mail to
Currently, the journal accepts the following manuscripts types:
Articles are original reports of significant discoveries, methods, and resources. Articles that present novel and important empirical results, theories that have the potential to advance our understanding of the molecular basis and mechanisms of life are also considered only if prove to be more than confirmatory. Theoretical and methodological reports need to clearly demonstrate the robustness and practical utility of the advanced methods using computer simulations and example data analysis.
Article manuscripts should contain the following sections formatted as per Authors Guidelines: (a) Title (b) Authors (c) Keywords (d) Abstract (e) Introduction (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and discussion, (h) Conclusions (i) References, (j) Acknowledgments if any and (h) Author(s) affiliation with contact details for the corresponding author.
Submission of article manuscripts is open.
Reviews provide a balanced review of recent developments in one or more fields related to molecular basis and mechanisms of life. Reviews should conclude with a perspective and/or a set of guidelines.
Review manuscripts should contain the following sections formatted as per Authors Guidelines: (a) Title (b) Author(s) and affiliation, including contact details for the corresponding author (c) Abstract (d) Keywords (e) Introduction (f) Methodology (g) Main manuscript text divided as required in suitable sections (h) Conclusions (i) Acknowledgments (if any) and (j) References.
For the Methodology part, we highly recommend the authors look into PRISMA – Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for standards and clearly include the following minimal set of items: 1. the search strategy and databases used for identifying literature 2. keywords used for the search 3. clear criteria for inclusion and exclusion of works into the analysis.
Submission of review manuscripts is generally solicited by the Editor-in-Chief, but we welcome interested authors to send a proposal for consideration to the Editor-in-Chief before full-length manuscript submission. If you intend to submit a review manuscript please send the proposed title, a summary, and a cover letter explaining why the subject is interesting for the readers of this journal to the Editor-in-Chief - All Review articles are peer-reviewed.
Invited Commentary
Invited Commentaries on major events in science or society are solicited by the Editor-in-Chief, are not peer-reviewed and are not indexed.
Book review
These reviews are intended to highlight relevant books for students and academia. The book reviews are generally solicited by the Editor-in-Chief, are not peer-reviewed and are not indexed.
Reviewers' activity acknowledged by:
Reviewer Recognition Service. Forward your thank you e-mail to