Chromolaena odorata, Kidney, Methotrexate, nephro-protection, Oxidative stressAbstract
We carried out this research to investigate nephro-protective efficacy of Chromolaena odorata aqueous leaf extract on kidney toxicity in Methotrexate (MTX)-induced albino male rats. Thirty (30) wistar male rats spread into five study groups were used. Group I: orally administered normal saline daily and was the normal control. Group II: received C. odorata extract (250 mg/kg B.W.) orally once daily for ten days. Group III: received MTX (7mg/kg B.W.) intraperitoneally from 8th day for three days consecutively. Group IV: received C. odorata extract (250 mg/kg B.W.) orally once daily for ten days and then administered MTX (7 mg/kg B.W.) intraperitoneally from 8th day for three days consecutively. Group V: received Vitamin C (100 mg/kg B.W.) orally once daily for ten days and then administered MTX (7 mg/kg BW) intraperitoneally from 8th day for three days consecutively. 24hours after last treatment and administration, all rats were sacrificed and blood collected in EDTA bottles for hematology or in plain tubes for biochemical analysis. Creatinine and Urea were analyzed in serum. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase, Malondialdehyde (MDA) and histopathological analysis was assessed using the kidney tissues. The obtained results revealed that three days of consecutive Methotrexate administration caused a significant rise in kidney function activity as well as severe oxidative damage and oxidative stress shown by a significant rise in Creatinine and Urea, increased level of MDA and a significant drop in SOD and CAT. However, C. odorata attenuated Methotrexate-induced biochemical alterations and oxidative stress in kidney. Also, C. odorata alone or in combination with Methotrexate showed an increase in Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Red Blood Cells (RBC), Haemoglobin (HB), White Blood Cells (WBC) and Platelets level compared to the group administered Methotrexate alone which showed degenerative levels in the analyzed hematological parameters. Showing corroboration, histopathological analysis showed deterioration and collapse of the kidney tubules in rats administered Methotrexate alone whereas C. odorata groups showed considerable nephro-protection and restoration towards normalcy. The results from this study revealed that the C. odorata have a nephro-protective efficacy against Methotrexate-induced kidney toxicity and damage via scavenging of free radicals and stabilization/enhancement of endogenous antioxidant status
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