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All material to be considered for publication in J.Exp.Molec.Biol. should be submitted in electronic form via the journal's online submission system. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
Please be aware that the ONLY language accepted for manuscripts is ENGLISH.
I. Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft® Word© document format (.doc(x) or .rtf).
II. Paper format is A4. Introducing text in the header and/or footer is not allowed (page numbers will be given by the editors).
III. All text should be written using Times New Roman (TNR) typeface, Font size 12, Single line Spacing, and Justified text alignment. Section titles and section subtitles should be written in bold. If you would prefer to follow a pre-written template to help you structure your article, it can be downloaded HERE. Usage of the template is not mandatory.
III. The manuscript should contain the following sections: (a) Title (b) Author(s) and affiliation, including contact details for the corresponding author (c) Abstract (d) Keywords (e) Introduction (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and discussion, (h) Conclusions (i) Acknowledgments (if any) and (j) References.
a. The title: The title should be informative and as short as is consistent with clarity.
b. Authors and affiliations: List full names of all authors on the next line under the title, first name then family name. List the institutions in which the work was carried out on the next line and identify the affiliations of all authors and their institutions, departments, or organizations by use of superscript lower case numbers (1, 2 etc.). Phone and fax number, complete postal and e-mail address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent must be on the next line and the corresponding author should be marked with the asterisk symbol * in superscript.
c. Abstract: Every paper must begin with a brief abstract (up to 8 rows) presenting the plan, procedures, and significant results of the investigation. The abstract should be intelligible to the general public as well as the specialists in the field and, hence, should avoid specialized terms and abbreviations.
d. Keywords: Authors should supply a maximum of five keywords descriptive of the research carried out.
e. Introduction: Please state the purpose of the investigation and its relation to other works in the same field, without making an extensive review of the literature. A phrase at the end of the introduction will describe clearly the purpose or the objective of the study.
f. Materials and Methods: Description of materials and methods used should be brief, but adequate for repetition of the work by a qualified operator. Refer to previously published procedures employed in the work by citation of both the original description and pertinent published modifications. If several alternative methods are commonly used, it is helpful to identify the method briefly as well as to cite the reference/example. It is preferable to state “cells were broken by ultrasonic treatment as previously described (Gupta et al. 2005)” rather than to state “cells were broken as previously described (Gupta et al. 2005).” This allows the reader to assess the method without constant reference to previous publications. Do not include extensive write-ups unless they present substantially new modifications. Manufacturers cited in the text should be styled, for example, as Sigma Chemical Co. and give sources of unusual chemicals, equipment, or microbial strains.
g. Results and discussion: The section should include the results of the experiments and their extensive interpretation in relation to the previously published work. Present the results as concisely as possible. Presenting the data both as graphs and as values in text, or presenting the same data both as table and graph is not allowed. Also, avoid extensive use of graphs to present data that might be more concisely presented in the text or tables.
Figure label (Figure 1; Figure 2 etc) and the corresponding legend to the figure should be placed below the figure. Table label (Table 1; Table 2 etc.) and the corresponding legend should be placed above the table. Number figures and tables in the order in which they are cited in the text, and be sure to cite all figures and tables using the corresponding label (Figure 1, Table 2, etc.). The numbering of figures is independent of that from tables and both should be made using Arabic numbers. Limit photographs (particularly photomicrographs and electron micrographs) to those that are absolutely necessary to show the experimental findings.
If figures (except diagrams) are numerous, they should be grouped in plates on separate pages; the number of the plate (ex. PLATE I) must appear in the top-right position. The explanation of plates (including figures included in plates) must be typed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Assemble individual photos and drawings into plates so that each plate spans the 13 cm wide text area. The figures and plates must not exceed 13 x 19 cm; all micrographs materials and other photographs that include descriptive aspects must include a scale.
All graphics must be submitted at their intended publication size. The resolution must be at the required level at the submitted size (300 dpi for grayscale and color, 600 dpi for combination art (lettering and images), 1200 dpi for line art). Include only a significant portion of an illustration. All the required materials will be submitted together with the paper.
h. Conclusions: The conclusions should be unnumbered.
i. References: References should be cited following the style described in CSE Style manual by the Council of Science Editors. These styles are available in Mendeley under the name Council of Science Editors, Name-Year (author-date) and in Endnote under the name CSE Style Manual, 8th ed. (Name-Year).
References inside the text should be cited as follows:
. . . in agreement with previously presented data (Beldie 1977)...
. . . similar results (Layton and Weathers 2009)...
. . . as described previously (Gordon et al. 2006)...
References to unpublished data, manuscripts submitted for publication, unpublished conference presentations (e.g., a report or poster that has not appeared in published conference proceedings), personal communications, patent applications and patents pending, computer software, databases, and websites (home pages) should be made parenthetically in the text as follows.
. . . similar results (Layton and Weathers, unpublished data).
. . . system was used (McInerney et al. submitted for publication).
. . . as described previously (Gordon, M. G. and Rattner, F. L. presented at the Fourth Symposium on Food Microbiology, Overton, IL, 13 to 15 June 1989). {For nonpublished abstracts and posters etc .}
. . . available in the GenBank database ( )
....using ABC software (version 2.2; Department of Microbiology, State University [ ])
Citations may be made directly (or parenthetically). Groups of references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters a, b, etc., placed after the year of publication.
References are to be collected in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript. The list should not be numbered. In the case of papers with multiple authors, all of them should be listed. All listed references must be cited in the text. Abbreviate journal names according to the PubMed Journals Database (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health which is available at ).
Follow the styles shown in the examples below for print references. Whenever a DOI number is available, it should be indicated at the end of the reference line as indicated. Also, please notice that the text in braces or "curly brackets" { } is an explanation indicating the type of references and should not be included in the manuscript.
Anand R, Gill KD, Mahdi AA. 2014. Therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease: Past, present and future. Neuropharmacology. 76 Pt A:27–50. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2013.07.004. {Journal Article}
Lineweaver H, Burk D. 1934. The Determination of Enzyme Dissociation Constants. J Am Chem Soc. 56(3):658–666. doi:10.1021/ja01318a036. {Journal Article}
Andersen JN, Mortensen OH, Peters GH, Drake PG, Iversen LF, Olsen OH, Jansen PG, Andersen HS, Tonks NK, Møller NP. 2001. Structural and evolutionary relationships among protein tyrosine phosphatase domains. Mol Cell Biol. 21(21):7117–36. doi:10.1128/MCB.21.21.7117-7136.2001 {Journal Article}
Busse H-J, Wieser M. 2014. The Arthrobacter Genus. In: Rosenberg E, DeLong EF, Lory S, Stackebrandt E, Thompson F, editors. The Prokaryotes - Actinobacteria. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 945–960. {Chapter in a Book}
El-Sabeh A, Honceriu I, Boiangiu RS, Kallabi F, Mihasan M. 2021. Sequencing the genome of a useful bacteria: Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans - next step in extending its biotechnological applications. GenBank. {Database entry}
Madden T. 2002. Chapter 16The BLAST Sequence Analysis Tool. In: McEntyre J, Ostell J, editors. The NCBI Handbook. National Center for Biotechnology Information (US). [accessed 2012 Apr 19]. . {On-line Book}
Mihasan M, Babii C, Channaveerappa D, Aslebagh R, Dupree E, Darie C. 2018. Proteomic analysis of nicotine response in Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1. FEBS Open Bio. 8(1):461. {Abstract}
Mihasan M, Stefan M, Olteanu Z, Zenovia O. 2012. Biologie moleculara - Metode experimentale. Iaşi: Editura Universitatii “‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’” din Iasi. {Book}
O’Malley DR, 1998. Ph.D. thesis. University of California, Los Angeles, CA. {PhD Thesis, Title is optional.}
Online references must provide essentially the same information that print references do. For online journal articles, posting or revision dates may replace the year of publication, and a DOI or URL may be provided in addition to or in place of volume and page numbers. Some examples follow.
Dionne MS, Schneider DS. 2002. Screening the fruitfly immune system. Genome Biol. 3: REVIEWS1010.
Smith FX, Merianos HJ, Brunger AT, and Engelman DM. 2001. Polar residues drive association of polyleucine transmembrane helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 2250–2255. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.041593698.
Thiers B, 2016. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium. (accesed 27 February 2016).
URLs for companies that produce any of the products mentioned in your study or for products being sold may not be included in the article. However, companies' URLs that permit access to scientific data related to the study or to shareware used in the study are permitted.
j. Acknowledgments: No more than 3 rows.
Names of chemical compounds follow the IUPAC Recommendations ( Biochemical terminology, including abbreviations and symbols, follows the recommendations of the IUPAC-IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (JCBN) (
Enzymes. The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Enzyme Commission (EC) number and full name (Enzyme Nomenclature 1992, Academic Press for IUBMB, ISBN 0-12-227164-5 hardback or 0-12-227165-3 paper) must be quoted when first mentioned in the text. Trivial names may be used in the title.
Species nomenclature. The scientific name of microorganisms should be written according to The International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) guidelines ( The scientific name of plants and naming of new species should be done according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzen code, IAPT, 2018) ( The scientific name of animal and naming of new species should be done according to ICZN International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (
Latin names: Genus, subgenus, species, subspecies will be written with italic characters; suprageneric names are not written with italic characters. The same procedure is used when they are mentioned within figures, graphs and tables. When first mentioned in the manuscript, the name should be written completely; after, the genus name can be shortened to just the capital letter; the abbreviation of the genera starting with the same letter must be done in such a way as to avoid confusion. In case of plants and animals, the first mention of a taxon in the text will be followed by the taxon author’s name, according to the appropriate code (ex.: Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass.).
When discussing unnamed species, the abbreviation “sp.” will be used after a genus to refer to a single unnamed species and “spp.” to more than one unnamed species (e.g. Bacillus sp. would be used to discuss one unnamed species of Bacillus).
Other Nomenclature:
Racemates. Authors must state unambiguously in the Methods section of papers which isomers were used, e.g. (+)– or (– )– propanolol, and must bring to the attention of the reader the composite character of drugs that were mixtures of stereoisomers;
Eicosanoids. The system of nomenclature to be used for eicosanoids is that published in Methods in Enzimology, 187, 1–9 (1990).
Tension. Tension is a force and should be calibrated in newtons (1 newton=1 Kg m s–1) or in kg weigh, g weigh, or mg weigh etc. Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 9, 124–125 (1988).
Ions. When referring to ions, tile charge should be indicated, e.g. Na+, Ca2+, 2Na+/Ca2+ exchange, etc.
Inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase. The most commonly used and currently accepted abbreviations for NG - nitro - L - arginine and NG - nitro - L - argininc methyl ester are L – NOARG and L - NAME respectively.
Cell lines. Cell type, species and source should be defined.
Genes and proteins symbols. The name of the gene must be written italic and the name of protein with capital letter. Eg: act2 (-actine gene); GFP: green fluorescent protein.
Genes fusion and constructs. Promoter-coding sequence fusions and fusions of coding sequences must be written as: 35S:GFP, CRY2:GFP A double colon should be used only for insertions (such as insertions by transposable elements), as in An1::dTph1, Bz1::Ac, or LFY::TAG1. Lowercase "p" should be used to refer to plasmids (e.g., pBR322), and to avoid confusion it should not be used to refer to promoters.
Accession numbers. Accession Numbers for any genes or new sequence data discussed in the article should be listed.
Abbreviation and Symbols
Internationally accepted signs and symbols for units, SI units must be used.
Articles are original reports of significant discoveries, methods, and resources. Articles that present novel and important empirical results, theories that have the potential to advance our understanding of the molecular basis and mechanisms of life are also considered only if prove to be more than confirmatory. Theoretical and methodological reports need to clearly demonstrate the robustness and practical utility of the advanced methods using computer simulations and example data analysis.
Article manuscripts should contain the following sections formatted as per Authors Guidelines: (a) Title (b) Author(s) and affiliation, including contact details for the corresponding author (c) Abstract (d) Keywords (e) Introduction (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and discussion, (h) Conclusions (i) Acknowledgments (if any) and (j) References.
Submission of article manuscripts is open.
Short Communications are short papers that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination. For example, a Short Communication may focus on a particular aspect of a problem or a new finding that is expected to have a significant impact. As Short Communications are expected to have higher than average impact on the field rather than report on incremental research, they will receive a prioritized and rapid publication. Short Communications are limited to 3000 words and contain the following sections formatted as per Authors Guidelines: (a) Title (b) Author(s) and affiliation, including contact details for the corresponding author (c) Abstract (d) Keywords (e) main manuscript body (f) Conclusions (g) Acknowledgments (if any) and (j) References.
The manuscript should contain no more than 3 figures or tables, combined. The abstract is limited to 100 words. The main body should begin with a short introduction and present or include references to the materials and methods used.
Submission of Short Communications manuscripts is open.
Reviews provide a balanced review of recent developments in one or more fields related to molecular basis and mechanisms of life. Reviews should conclude with a perspective and/or a set of guidelines.
Review manuscripts should contain the following sections formatted as per Authors Guidelines: (a) Title (b) Author(s) and affiliation, including contact details for the corresponding author (c) Abstract (d) Keywords (e) Introduction (f) Methodology (g) Main manuscript text divided as required in suitable sections (h) Conclusions (i) Acknowledgments (if any) and (j) References.
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